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The Van Rockman boys have been hard at work in the studio; getting ready for their upcoming gig at The Roadhouse in Birmingham on 23rd July. It’s no ordinary gig though, oh no! Those talented lads have managed to get into the semi finals of the ‘So Called Studios Battle Of The Bands’. This is no small feat. Out of twenty seven bands we are now down to nine and soon it will be three. You can bet Van Rockman will want to be part of that final trilogy.

A Van Rockman gig is always an outstanding experience. Picture the scene as whoever has provided the drums (minus breakables) weeps uncontrollably as ‘Big Bad Harv’ annihilates all drum heads in his path. Picture lightning fast guitar solos. Finger splitting for some, but not for Johnny Lowry. Lastly, picture a bass player holding the audience in the palm of his hands. Tim can work a crowd like nothing you’ve seen before. When the songs start playing it can only be a winning formula!

On the 23rd July they will submit their music for your approval. You must decide if they are awesome or brilliant; the future of someone’s playlist or the future of your playlist. Do yourself a favour and make sure you get them to the final!

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