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A Mother's Love

It's been a while since Van Rockman graced the page with the written word. There's a very good reason for this. As I explained in the last blog I posted, Van Rockman were hard at work on their new single. Well it's been released and once again Van Rockman have delivered something special and strikingly poignant. Just when you thought Van Rockman's song writing couldn't get more eclectic and outstanding they drop this. The reason behind this song being such a triumph is the touching, heart felt story behind it. Tim sees his mum on a regular basis. Every time he kisses her goodbye she responds by saying; "I'll see you in my dreams." One day, Tim's mum fell ill, and as we'll all eventually do, she began to make plans for a possibly heartbreaking outcome. One of the things Tim did after this was to write a song. The very one you should be listening to now. Once Tim's mum heard it, she asked Tim to sing it at her funeral. Understandably, Tim was rocked to his core by this request. He went on to record the song and with his mum's blessing, it will be played when Tim says goodbye for the last time. The song itself has been hitting the airwaves across the nation recently. CONTROL radio, Elite 365 radio, Rock 365 radio, Metal 365 radio, We Rock Webzine, Rockers Underground, Iron Waves radio, Unsigned HQ, Rock Invasion radio, Midwest broadcasting and Indie Live Music radio are but a few of the stations that are playing this incredible song day and night. It's not only the fact that these stations are playing the song, but playing it repeatedly that is a testament to Van Rockman's ability. It's not just about a great band producing a great sound. It's about something more. You don't just listen to their music, you absorb it. It's a truth that resonates with everyone and you should be absorbing it right now.

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