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It's been a couple of weeks since Van Rockman's triumphant final show at the end of an equally successful November tour. There has been time to absorb and reflect on all of it. You can only do this for so long though. Sooner or later you're going to have to do what you were always going to do and back to work. Some of you may think that odd terminology for what Van Rockman do. How could writing and playing music be considered 'work'? That's exactly what it is though. Those in bands of their own will also agree with this. It's not an easy thing. It takes a lot of time, patience and coffee to just perfect the foundations of a song. It's a bit like carving marble. You only carve Michelangelo's David with practice. Even when you know how to get to the masterpiece it still takes time. A lot of time.
From the way it's sounding now, Van Rockman are going into a more Led Zeppelin mixed with Deep Purple esp territory. It's certainly got an essence of the psychedelic, John Bonham style drumming, experimentation with the usual formula but none the less rocking. As soon as the new material is polished it'll be time to head into the recording studio so everyone can hear. Before too long they'll be a push for radio play. Speaking of which...

Van Rockman's Christmas single 'Happy Holidays, It's Christmas!' is currently being played world wide. We've been there where we just don't feel like getting into the spirit of things. Fear not! This uplifting, happy jingle is perfect to get you in the Christmas mood as well as bring a smile to your face. You can buy the single from iTunes via the link below.