New Blood

Van Rockman are looking for a new guitarist. We auditioned our first yesterday. Bear in mind the bedrock of just the three of us hasn't quite formed yet. We're tight on most songs but also not gig ready to the standard that we want. Saying that, there's no fun in no challenge. So auditions are underway. We know who we're after. It's going to be someone with experience, laid back attitude yet ready to put in 100% commitment into the work to come and a driver. Not much at all really. It takes a lot of balls to walk into a room of people you don't know and see if you're good enough for them. The next time you laugh at someone on the X-Factor or BGT ask yourself, 'Would I do that?' If the answer is no then stop laughing. If the answer is yes then I look forward to seeing you. The young lad that came in to audition reminded me a bit of myself when I first started out. You're nervous, almost seizing up when you shake someone's hand. Prepared yet not sure how your hands work. You ask yourself 'What's the protocol here? How do the songs go again? What if I'm terrible and they hate me and my style? What am I forgetting to do? Oh yes, breathe.' You can't worry about any of that. You'll loosen up, you'll breathe, you'll warm up and do exactly as you've prepared. That's all you can do. If they say no then they say no. If they say welcome aboard then the hard work has just begun. Either way you'll be better for the experience. Finding the right fit is a difficult task for any band. With an upcoming tour it's more so for Van Rockman. There are many auditions to come. Until the right one has been found we shall keep playing. When the right one is found we shall play even more.